Monday, August 17, 2009

And so it Begins ... AGAIN!

That's right! As our renovations and reclamations on the old website continues to move forward, I offer another batch of rehashed reviews for your reading or rereading pleasure. This time, we've got giant monsters, gialli, cannibals, and a lot of dastardly Euro-shocks! And to reiterate, all of these reviews have been extensively rewritten and updated with larger vid-caps, trailer links, poster art, and the corresponding newspaper ads if I can dig them up. So with my regards, please enjoy the 3B Theater Experience all over again.

And we'll conclude this update with what could quite possibly be the greatest movie ever made: Hercules, Samson and Ulysses!


  1. Good luck with the renovation. I look forward to new reviews! - Neil

  2. Got several irons in the fire, so to speak, on the new reviews front. Stay tuned when we reopen in (crosses fingers) October.
