Sunday, September 18, 2011

Is this Heaven? Nope. It's Vandergrift, PA.

Count Yorga by Moonlight.
Taken during the Drive-In Super Monster Rama.

(September 9-10, 2011)


  1. That is an AWESOME photo which really captures what is so great about the Drive-In Super Monster-Rama. I know you've seen my write up on the first night, and you've been able to convey in this one photo pretty much everything that it took me over a hundred pictures to convey!

  2. Thanks. Was very lucky to get it, Glen -- mostly due to the luck of the draw from where were seated. I had tried to get a shot with the screen and the moon and the cars a little earlier but couldn't get it all in frame. Twenty minutes later, there ya go.

    And I am grateful for your photo documentary on all those trailers witnessed. The second night I actually shot video for the first 45 minutes, and for every trailer break. The audio is fantastic but the picture is a just too darn murky to make posting or screen grabbing worth the while. *sigh*

  3. You might be interested to know that I posted my look back at the second night of the Monster-Rama, and... it does indeed include a photo of the Grave of the Vampire "infant child nursing on human blood" warning! Enjoy!

  4. As the Godzilla trailer spoketh: "Awesome, and then some!"
