Thursday, July 5, 2012

Recommendations :: Good Reads :: The Greatest Jam Session Ever? Maybe. The Most Important? Definitely.

58 years ago, today, three fellas by the name of Elvis, Scotty, and Bill, while simply monkeying around the studio after cutting another track, as the legend goes, jammed-out all impromptu on an old Arthur "Big Boy" Cruddup blues number. And the rest, as they say, is Rock-n-Roll history...

Video courtesy of SeandeRebel2008.

Once again, Sheila O'IwishIcouldwritethatwelldagnabbit gets down to the nuts and bolts of this fateful day with another fantastic piece at The Shelia Variations, which is fast becoming one of my favorite online haunts, especially her beautiful, almost hauntingly lyrical, posts on Elvis Presley, which, somehow, both deconstruct and reinforce the legend of the King of Rock-n-Roll. I don't know how the hell she does it either. But. Highly recommended reading, folks.

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