Saturday, May 27, 2017

To Kick Off Your Memorial Day Weekend, Here's Birthday Boy Vincent Price with an Ode to the 'Gourmet Treat of the National Larder.'

“Here, in all its glory, is the great American hot dog. Originally a sausage invented in Frankfurt, the hot dog is now as American as blueberry pie, and under the proper circumstances it can be one of the gourmet treats of the national larder. At that particular moment when the crack of the bat signals a hit, and the white uniforms move gracefully against the green outfield, at that very moment a hawker stumbles up your aisle, and your wife taps you on the arm and asks you to buy her a hot dog. You miss the play, but you gain the world. Even at that critical moment, there is nothing more soul-satisfying than the first succulent bite into the juicy frankfurter. Whether you slather your hot dog with mustard, relish, and onions, or eat it purist style with just a delicate dab of mustard, it is, in that brief time, the perfect food.” 

-- Vincent PriceXXXX


  1. I love this, also love the Humphrey Bogart line, "A hot dog at the ballpark is better than a steak at the Ritz." I like mine with mustard and relish.

  2. Ballpark dogs are the best. Especially those that have been on the spit since opening day. Me, I HATE mustard and so just ketchup for me. As for sausages and brauts, I like them naked other than the bun delivery system.

  3. My friend, you have never tasted anything at a ballpark better than the sausages at Miller Park with the special secret stadium sauce.( Which actually dates back to the glorious County Stadium days) Damn, I wish I was in Milwaukee right now. "Two brats and a Schlitz, please."

  4. I have had a sausage at Miller Park sans sauce and it was still pretty great. I think of all the ballparks I've been to, Coors had the worst dogs and Kansas City had the best. It was this foot long smoked sausage and I swear after one bite I had a litter of kittens on the concourse.
