Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Vintage Tuneage :: Chickenin' Out and then A-Root for Chicken with Sheriff & the Ravels.

Video courtesy of .

(You all heard the F-Bomb in the middle of that, right?)

Greatest + Song + EVER + ! = Shombalor


  1. Oh, that is just the best song in the world. Thanks for evangelizing for Aki Aleong's incredibly incomprehensible doo-wop jam.

  2. And I am eternally grateful for all the vintage tuneage you've tuned me into, my friend. I hope, hope, hope to see you in September.

  3. If you get to Pennsylvania, your drive home will be made at least a little easier because I will hand you a CD wallet containing a copy of every Timothology: Strange Aeons disc that is done at that point.
