Saturday, July 2, 2011

In Lieu of Actual Content :: Another Link!

Well, ever since my Flickr account went tits up about a month ago I've been slowly moving my digital poster archive over to a new home on Wordpress. The purpose of which? Well, for one, my OCD movie mania knows no bounds; and two, as a public service, providing a (complete as I can get it) archive of promotional materials that haven't been tagged, obscured or altered in anyway (aside from cleaning them up a bit). About dozen flicks already posted, with lots more to come.


  1. Woah, what happened to the Flickr? If you mentioned it before, I must have missed it. I hope it doesn't affect your past posts, because that would be a huge pain in the hinder.

  2. Nah, it's one of those things where you need to pay them if you want to have more than three separate folders for storage. Missed the notice that the bill was due due to losing my old Hotmail account. So, I missed the payment, they flushed the folders, and the poster archive went poof. It won't affect the Blogs but it kinda borks the old website. Thus, I'm slowly moving the archive over to Wordpress. No frills, but lots of pretties to look at. And it's free.

  3. That sucks. I avoided Flickr because of the 3-folder rule but it never occurred to me that they would delete your pics because of it.

  4. Apparently, if I give them more money, the folders will magically reappear. Feh. I'll just move them.
