Saturday, May 12, 2012

Shameless Plugs :: The Morgue Rides Again. AGAIN!

First up, I'd like to apologize for the lack of content at the Micro-Brewery over the past few weeks. Now, the reasons for this dearth of posts is simple, and most of you are probably already aware, yes, the rumors are true, The Morgue lives once again and I've been overly occupied with moving it over to some much cooler digs.

Why, you ask? I thought you were tired of over-extending yourself on the Dubbya-Dubbya-Web, you add ... Well, I'll be honest. I missed it.
I missed going through the old papers. I missed the hunt. Also, I'm coming to the firm conclusion that I am much, much better at being a film archivist than a film scholar. Thus, I've decided to put my nearly pathological OCD to work on something constructive for a change. And, with the new digs, and a fresh start, after more than a few false ones, I think I've finally got The Morgue fine-tuned, tuned-in, and focused on what I really wanted it to be from the beginning. Click on over, poke around, and kick the posts for a bit, and I think you'll see what I mean as we throw out a much wider net on what will be posted in the future.

Hell, we've already reached 100 posts in just over a week. And it's not just the old stuff being re-posted, either. Nope, though, I won't lie, the vast majority of content will be repeats for awhile as I fold the old Morgue and The Lost Archive into the new site. And once that's done, the post count will probably drop precipitously. But, the old ads are bigger and helluva lot easier to read and it will be a long, long time before I run out of new material.

So, there ya go. Please adjust your links accordingly,
and enjoy our latest endeavor.


  1. I promise the new digs will get linked on my new blog ASAP. The blogroll widget on Blogger is broken so I can't update over there, boo hiss. Looks great!

  2. Thankee kindly. The main reason I resurrected this thing is because Wordpress is SOOOOOO much better at displaying larger images than Blogger. That, and the new Blogger interface is hideous.

  3. Ironically, the biggest delay I have had in moving to Wordpress is finding a template where I CAN post large images. Once I found one, the header was a size I hated and no one can tell me how to change it, so I'm having to make compromises. The person who coded the layout has been asked several times how to change the header height and never answered, so I have a feeling his code is, erm, "interesting."

  4. Oh, gawd, coding give me hives, which why I tend to stick with the WYSIWYG format. As for headers, heck, I accidentally loaded about a dozen trying to get the right size to display properly. Once that was accomplished, thought it would be cool to rotate but I can't figure out how to trash the junk headers out. *sigh* A lot of trial and error, but once I got into the nuts and bolts of it, I found it to be fairly user friendly as far as bulk editing goes. Just not the headers. Feh.

  5. I had the same problem with getting rid of old headers, and now I know how!

    Go to the Dashboard, then Media then Library. They should all be right there.

  6. Oh, for dumb ... well, that was easy enough. Thanks!

  7. I think WP's Dashboard is extremely counter intuitive. I would never have thought of photos for banners as "Media" placed in a virtual "Library." This was something I had to look up.

  8. VERY counter intuitive. But once you unlock the secret, which, for the record, took about four days of screaming at my monitor, things have been going rather swimmingly. Also, this little piece of coding...


    has saved my sanity when spacing images out.

  9. It's so secret Blogger won't even publish it. Wow! &-n-b-s-p; w/o the dashes.
