Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Glenda Farrell Project :: Take 1 :: It'll Take More than That to Stop Torchy Blane!

Here, our latest cinematic obsession grabs a cab after another grump-off with her long time beau over who will solve the latest murder mystery first, the reporter (she) or the cop (he), before anymore bodies meet a gruesome demise courtesy of a ruthless Chinese tong out to knock-off a trio of jade-poachers, and anyone who gets in there way -- like, say, a nosy, motor-mouthed reporter -- who leave each intended victim a secreted message on when and where they will die...

"Baby, am I..."

And they would've gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for that meddling reporter and her navy submarine!

One of the things I am most thankful for from 2012 is getting a crash course on the life and times and film career of Glenda Farrell. And the more I dig, the more I love. And so, to share that love, we're kicking off The Glenda Farrell Project for 2013 and beyond, as I will do everything in my power to share my Glenda love in the usual, obsessive compulsive fashion in all matters and means and ways. Stay tuned!


  1. As a Pre-Code fan I'm a Glenda fan, so I'm looking forward to this!

  2. Thanks, man. This definitely qualifies as a work in progress, in that I'll be winging it over content and execution. Regardless, anything I can do to both honor Farrell, her work, and widen her audience is both a privilege and a pleasure.
