Thursday, June 27, 2013

Blogathon Alert :: We're Coming to Get You, Barbara. Stanwyck, That Is.

Heeding the overtures of Aubyn Eli, proprietor of the truly wonderful The Girl with the White Parasol, I will be participating in The Barbara Stanwyck Blogathon this July, where, and I quote, "Participation is open to anyone who who wants to write about Barbara Stanwyck. As it gets close to July, I'll draw up a schedule for the participants but even if you don't want to sign up now, I'll still accept entries during the Week that shall hereafter be known as the Week of Barbara Stanwyck. Cause she deserves it, brother." I couldn't agree more. Hurry, its first come first serve on the films and choices are dwindling fast. As for me, I've managed to lay claim to a double-feature write up of this:

And this Made for TV classic.

I'm participating. Are you?

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