Tuesday, September 3, 2013

This Just In, While I Head Out...

"Shocking news from WBOO radio, Boils and Ghouls..."

Well, perhaps not THAT shocking, as I'm sure you're all aware it's that time of year and the annual September Sabbatical is once more upon us. E'yup, time for a little break to recharge the brain-jelly and let the scabs heal up on my typing knuckles. And to let the healing process begin, join us as Mr. Rundgren play us out.

Video courtesy of revluzionnotelevised.

 Updates will resume in early October. Until then: Stay cool, all.


  1. Just this moment I rushed here thinking, wait, doesn't Sir Kelso take September off? And we're halfway through the month! I am nothing if not timely.

    Hope your sabbatical is going well, and we'll see you when we get back!

  2. As a wise man once said about a fall out of an 80 story building: So far, so good.
