Tuesday, October 8, 2013

A Blogathon Alert, a Bucket of Shameless Plugs, and a Request for a Moment of Silence for Appliances No Longer With Us.

This just in, Boils and Ghouls: Micro-Brewed Reviews will be participating in the Classic Film and TV Cafe's Hammer Horror Blogathon, running October 21st thru the 25th. And what will I be driving a stake through? Well, I'll be digging up the corpse of an old review, dissecting out the defective parts, adding in some new bits, and then stitch it all back together for a totally re-animated review of Freddie Francis' Nightmare (1964). 

I'm participating. Are you? 

Meantime, in the shameless plugs department, my good friend Tim Lehnerer is launching a 26 day Hubrisween marathon over at Checkpoint: Telstar, where he'll be posting a film review every day until Halloween, showcasing an alphabetically hewed list of horror and science fiction movies. We've got Alligator and Blacula so far and rumor has it we'll end with Zombie. I, for one, can't wait to see what comes in-between. Click on over and give them a read, too, won't you? Thank you. 

And while you're venturing out, click on over to the Morgue, where our sister site will be spending the entire month of October getting itself Stalked 'n' Slashed to death with a retrospective on Slasher Movies, starting with the films that influenced them until the genre hit the breakers of public backlash and fizzled out. And, as always, we'll close out a Spooktacular October with some ads for a few of those magnificent Midnight Spookshow attractions

And, hey, lookatthat. We're also spotlighting Cinema Slashers over at the Poster Archive, too!  

Also of note, can I get a moment of silence for my old TV, which, after fifteen years of service finally gave up the ghost. This, of course, necessitated the purchase of a new idiot box, which I did, gaining about 14-inches worth of screen coverage in the process. And to celebrate, before this honeymoon comes to a crashing halt when the first billing statement shows up, I've embarked on something I like to call Operation: Top Ten, where I work my way through my favorite films on this much bigger screen. About halfway through the list and I've come to the conclusion that if I had a slightly more comfortable chair in the basement, there's a pretty good chance I'd never leave the house again. 

So long, old friend. Enjoy the TV farm where you will run and frolic and play nothing but old episodes of Mystery Science Theater, F-Troop, Barney Miller and Misfits of Science. (At least that's what my mom told me.)

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