Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Movie Poster Spotlight :: Foreign Jobs :: Greetings, Fellow Programs: The World According to TRON (1982)

 Spanish One Sheet:

French Grande:

Japanese B2:

 Austrailian Daybill:

British Quad:

 Italian Photobustas:

I showed the trailer for TRON (1982) to a co-worker in her early 20s awhile back and she commented, "But that's not how computers work." To which I replied, "I know, but now imagine the huge disappointment for those of us who saw it back in '82 and then found later that WASN'T how computers really worked." End of line.

TRON (1982) Lisberger/Kushner :: Walt Disney Productions :: Buena Vista Distribution Company / EP: Ron Miller / P: Donald Kushner / AP: Harrison Ellenshaw / D: Steven Lisberger / W: Steven Lisberger, Bonnie MacBird / C: Bruce Logan / E: Jeff Gourson / M: Wendy Carlos / S: Jeff Bridges, Bruce Boxleitner, Cindy Morgan, Barnard Hughes, Dan Shor, David Warner

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