Monday, January 30, 2012

Sights and Sounds :: Bringing You the Roar and the Thunder, the Filth and the Fury & the Noise and the Nerd Funk of B-Fest 2012.

Photos courtesy of Bill Rinehart, Stephanie Romanski,
Mike Bockoven, & Yours Truly.

Alas, B-Fest 2012 has come and gone and entered the history books. For those who don't know, B-Fest is an annual event held at Northwestern University, where 200 or so like-minded individuals on Fractured Flickers ensconce themselves in a theater for 24-straight hours of mind-melting and butt-destroying Cinematic Cheese in what boils down to nothing short of B-Movie Thunderdome -- don't believe me? Then you try sitting through Ted V. Mikels, Andy Milligan and Don Dohler in one sitting and see if no one gets killed ... But seriously. Total gas as always, folks. Looking forward to doing it again already at B-Fest 2013. Until then, see and smell ya in the aisles, my friends...

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