Thursday, February 2, 2012

Rehashed Reviews :: Saturday Morning Flashbacks!

As much as I love the old Buster Crabbe serials and Dino De Laurentiis’ gloriously moronic and maniacal feature film, I'll have to say my absolute favorite interpretation of Alex Raymond’s ray-gun blasting, rocket-jockey was Filmation Studios' wonderfully animated adaptation from the late 1970's...

Unknown to Aunt May and the rest of the world, her tenants are bona fide superheroes. See, Peter is really Spider-Man, Bobby is the snow-balling mutant Iceman, and Angelica is the flame-wielding Firestar. Together, whenever trouble of a super-villain variety pops up, they costume up, power up, and take care of business...

When told she is a mutant, Kitty confides her "gift" is a curse, but Professor Xavier thinks differently. She then gets his sales pitch about the band of do-gooders he’s assembled: the X-Men, who right wrongs and fight for mutant tolerance and acceptance...

Captain America.

This version of Captain America is a wonderful time capsule of Marvel's early days, and has a nice retro-vibe going for it. And when it premiered on the syndicated Marvel Super-Heroes Show back in 1966, the segment opened with yet another whiz-banger of a theme song...

The Sub-Mariner.

The Sub-Mariner was one of Marvel Comic's flagship characters. He fought alongside Captain America and the first Human Torch against the Nazis and Japs in World War II. He also successfully made the transition to the newer continuity where he alternated almost weekly from being a hero or a villain, making old Namor an odd choice for animation. But there it is and here we are...


  1. Was there a live action version of Spiderman and His Amazing Friends or is that just a promo shot?

  2. No live action show, alas. Though I do remember these guys showing up in a parade back then, prolly Macy's Thanksgiving.
