Friday, December 30, 2016

Countdown :: My 100 Favorite Films of All Time in No Particular Order: #20 - #11:

Almost there. Stay on Target. Almost there. That's it. Only ten more to go in our countdown. I'm excited. Are you excited? No. Tough noogies. See. Earlier this year I did a 100 Favorite Films countdown over on Twitter. And being completely swamped with no time to write this holiday season, I figured I'd close out the year by re-posting it here in a lead up to my Best Films of 2016 post. Please note this is a list of favorite films, not best films. (That would be an entirely different list.) And so, here are the films I love and can watch again and again and again with nary a guilty pleasure in the whole bunch. Again, there's no real order to it but I might sandbag a few for a Top 10 to polish this off. AND I TOTALLY DID THAT! So please, enjoy these revelations or revel in how big a cine-idiot you think I am.


  1. A very nice call on The Cowboys, as it is my 2nd favorite John Wayne movie. My Top Five 1, Rio Bravo 2, The Cowboys 3, Sands of Iwo Jima 4, The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance 5, The Quiet Man....with my sincerest apologies to North to Alaska.

  2. NORTH TO ALASKA is a great sleeper pick when talking about Wayne's films. Def. in my top five -- if not top 3. Everyone tends to forget about it.
