Saturday, December 31, 2016

Countdown :: My 100 Favorite Films of All Time in No Particular Order -- UNTIL NOW!: #10 - #1:

And here we go, starting at #10 and counting down to #1. 

And that, as they say, is the end of that. Ask me again next week, and we'll have thrown this up in the air and call it where they land. Except for #1. That on is set is solid bedrock. And for the record, we're talking Non-Special Edition on Star Wars there. Also, we're talking the theatrical cut on The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, too. (Both doctored films would make the 100 list but not crack the top ten..) A reminder that this is a list of my favorite films, not best films. (That would be an entirely different list.)  So I hope you enjoyed these revelations or reveled in how big a cine-idiot you think I am. And if you think something is sorely missing, I'm sure at some point I'll do a list of 100 More Favorite films. (Trust me, it's already half done.)


  1. Great list, Chad, although you've probably noticed....there's only nine listed. I want to talk about the great Road to Alaska and the Hope/Crosby movies. I believe that history is way to generous to Marx Brothers movies, while not giving near enough credit to Hope/Crosby, Abbot and Costello, and Laurel and Hardy. Don't get me wrong, I like the Marx Brothers movies....I saw them all on the big screen in the 70s when the Stuart Theater in Lincoln ran them once a week in the summer of '74. While every Marx Brothers movie has a hilarious scene (usually involving Groucho and Chico), they all have music scenes that grind the movie to a screeching halt. In comparison, the road movies always feature a Crosby song (sometimes with Hope) that further the plot and usually gives Hope a chance to give Bing a shot. Road to Alaska with all the inside jokes is the funniest of the Road pics, tho none of them aren't without their charms. I love it when Hope orders a lemonade (with a dirty glass), Crosby has amazing luck fishing (tell him number 13 was here), and of course their dog. Amazingly funny, I with it was on tonight.

  2. ... 5 ... 6 ... 7 ... 8 ... 9 ... oh, for dumb. Fixed. Thanks.
