Geez. Is it that time of year already? Wow. Okay, then, folks, time once again for Yours Truly to gird up the loins and lube the liver for another annual All-Night Christmas Craptacular Movie Marathon to celebrate the one night a year the paper I work for doesn't print and to help chase off and drown out the Ghosts of Christmases past, present and future, if you know what I mean. Honestly, the marathon got a helluva a jump-start this year when a quirk in the schedule garnered me an unexpected three-day weekend, over-which I sat through a couple of MST3k'd Gamera flicks, making the decision to spend Christmas Eve on the Satellite of Love a complete no-(Best)-brainer. And with a combination of DVD's, VHS tapes, Amazon streaming, and YouTube, I've managed to throw together a line-up of my all time favorite episodes:
Obviously, at some point, I shall break for my usual Christmas feast...
So, before we officially get Movie Sign, and commence to drinking and quipping -- 'cuz that's how I push the button, Frank -- I bid you Happy Holidays, one and all.
Or Bah! Humbug, where applicable.
Or Bah! Humbug, where applicable.
Packers! Packers!!!
Preparing to scale the south face of Mt. Cheesehead.
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