2017 was a very good year for me as far as revival screenings go: managed to catch two of my top ten favorite films of all time -- Vanishing Point (1971) and Blood and Black Lace (1964). Beyond that, no complaints and a lot of awesome. A huge thanks to the World Theater in Kearney, Nebraska, and the Omaha branch of the Alamo Drafthouse for all of these opportunities. Also, a big shout-out to George Reis and the good folks of the Riverside Drive-In for another excellent onslaught of features at the latest Drive In Super Monster Rama. Hope to keep this kinda pace up in 2018.
While in Memphis, my Mama Bear and I caught
a screening of Viva Las Vegas (1964) and
Love Me Tender (1956) at the Gatehouse.
Our live riff was a huge success!
And speaking of riffs, caught The Mads vs.
Walk the Dark Street (1956). The winner? The audience.
A Friday the 13th (1980) screening on
Friday the 13th followed by a Sunday showing of...